President Biden visits Wilkes-Barre, promotes ban on assault-style weapons, Pennsylvania

President Joe Biden visited Wilkes-Barre and talked about reducing violence; KDKA's Royce Jones reports."

President Biden visits Wilkes-Barre, promotes ban on assault-style weapons
President Joe Biden visited Wilkes-Barre and talked about reducing violence; KDKA's Royce Jones reports.
CBS Pittsburgh
August 30, 2022

Video of Wilkes-Barre "President Biden visits Wilkes-Barre, promotes ban on assault-style weapons" added to our site on August 30, 2022, by CBS Pittsburgh.

Text description of video "President Biden visits Wilkes-Barre, promotes ban on assault-style weapons" is President Joe Biden visited Wilkes-Barre and talked about reducing violence; KDKA's Royce Jones reports.

Video President Biden visits Wilkes-Barre, promotes ban on assault-style weapons has duration 1m 46s

Users of our site have viewed this video 413 times.

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President Biden visits Wilkes-Barre, promotes ban on assault-style weapons information

Published August 30, 2022
Views 413
Duration 1m 46s
Added by CBS Pittsburgh