Magdalena Shergalis Diamond biography: 13 things about Pennsylvania woman from Lithuania

biographical data Magdalena Shergalis Diamond was a Lithuanian woman who lived in Pennsylvania, United States. Here are 13 more things about her: S...

September 18, 2022
11:44 PM

biographical data Magdalena Shergalis Diamond was a Lithuanian woman who lived in Pennsylvania, United States. Here are 13 more things about her: She was born in Lithuania to Geo Shergalis and Mary Delnikaiciute. She was 14 years younger than her husband Anthony Diamond. She and Anthony have nine children. In 1898, she gave birth to Solomon Diamonds and Mary Dymond in Aukštoji Panemunė, Lithuania. In 1900,she gave birth to John Diamonds. In 1903, she gave birth to Alberta Dymond in Pennsylvania.

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